
Reference Services

Reference Service: Establishing contact between a reader and his documents in a personal way. Reference Service is an important service offered by the library. It helps users to make full use of the resources available in the library. It provides guidance in the use of library resources and services, assists in accessing e-journals, e-books, databases, multimedia sources etc. and conducts library orientation programs for new users.

It also maintains a collection of reference books consisting of encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks, technical data, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, CD-ROMs, Audio and Video cassettes, etc.

Users Awareness

The Knowledge Centre takes an active part in the orientation program organized by the ERC for the benefit of new GET, PGET and Interns in the joining. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various resources and services available for them. Training sessions are also organized whenever a new product or service is introduced.

Any user desiring to know more about library resources and service or to learn how to use a particular resource like OPAC, e-journals, databases etc. should contact knowledge centre.

Please contact Knowledge Centre for additional information or any assistance in the use of the Library Collections and Services.

CAS ( Current awareness service)

Dissemination of information that will keep it users well-informed and up-to-date in automobile industry fields of basic interest as well as in related subjects is called Current Awareness Service. It is a system of getting knowledge on recent development, and especially those developments which relate to the special interest of the individual.

CAS is a device of the information system through which the users of information can be informed promptly, as soon as possible after publications but before absorption into the comprehensive secondary sources of current literature on a broad subject field or on an area in which a group of persons are interested, and presented in a manner, volume and rhythm intended to facilitate or cultivate current approach to information.

New Arrivals Alert:

To update the users by new arrivals alert with the publications acquired by the Library .


To update the users with circulars from Learning Centre regarding various activities in interest of ERC users and also sharing circulars on behalf of other Departments.


Selective dissemination of information (SDI) SDI refers to tools and resources used to keep a user informed of new resources on specified topics, including the current-awareness services used to inform about new library acquisitions. Contemporary analogous systems for SDI services include alerts, current awareness tools or trackers. These systems provide automated searches that inform the user of the availability of new resources meeting the user’s specified keywords and search parameters.

Referral Service

A service in which users with an information need are directed to a reputable person or agency outside the library.  It is a type of reference service, may be an extension of reference service, in which no document is given. The information seeker is directed to an agency or an expert who is likely to supply the information. From the definition it is also implied that the information is not available in the library.

This service is not bound by any limit. The scope is omnifarious. The service may be provided on any topic, to any user literate or illiterate, male or female, young or old, at any place  a remote village or a busy town, at any time, based on the sources available at hand or in the memory.


As per user’s requirement translation of documents from Vernacular languages and other foreign languages to English or vice versa. It is an important service provided by the Knowledge Centre and translation helps enhancing the use of documents. Under translation service the ERC users generally requests the Knowledge  Centre to make the translation of the required article which is in the language other than they understand.

Literature Search

To supply the latest information to all researchers in their respective field as per user’s requirement. A literature search is a systematic, thorough search of all types of sources in a particular topic.

Institutional Membership

ASM International:

ASM International Annual Membership: Access to 16 online magazines and journals with archives, industrial news,  ASM chapters, communication and affiliates, ASM member directory and conferences.

IIW Membership:

Corporate membership for Indian Institute of  Welding provides platform to interact with welding experts through technical meetings, workshops and Literature. Quarterly  Journals with American Welding Society supplements.

Jayakar Library

The library was founded in 1950 and is a center of reference and information at Pune. It subscribes to Indian and foreign research journals, and receives periodicals on a gratis and exchange basis. It has more than 450,000 books and journals. An inter-library loan facility is extended to colleges, institutions and government agencies. The Jayakar Library has preserved ancient Indian texts in the form of manuscripts and books. It has computerized all library activities and using RFID technology and has undertaken a project in digital library management.


SMFRA is to make the Indian sheet metal industries globally competitive through collaborative research and dissemination of information.  SMFRA brings together flat sheet producers, users, die designers and manufacturers, machine tool manufacturers, research scientists and academia to solve problems relevant to the Indian sheet metal industries.

SMFRA is an excellent forum for the sheet metal fraternity to share and exchange new concepts in sheet metal forming and address issues on topics including

  • Raw Materials and their Behavior
  • Mechanics, Modelling and Simulation
  • Die Design, Software
  • Trending Sheet Forming Technologies
  • Formability and formability issues
  • The Forming Equipment
  • E-mobility

Experts from various industries, R&D labs and academia will be making presentations and lead the deliberations. Leading manufacturers in the field of sheet metal technology will discuss/display the latest equipment and technologies. A blend of industrial case studies along with academic research presentations has traditionally been a unique feature of SMF conference series.

MAC Membership

The Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) worldwide, keeping members informed about total vehicle climate and thermal management industry since 1981. publishing  MACS Action Magazine and  MACS Service Reports

NAFEMS Membership

NAFEMS is the only worldwide independent association dedicated to engineering modelling, analysis & simulation. It has been their mission since 1983 to facilitate and promote the safe and efficient use of engineering simulation and analysis. The NAFEMS Resource Centre is a database which contains hundreds of presentations, books, webinar recordings, magazine articles, journals, and more, which have been categorized and tagged in one central accessible location. Over the past 35 years, NAFEMS has gathered a wealth of information on engineering analysis, modelling and simulation. The resource centre provides our members with easy access to this valuable material. It’s simple to use. Relevant material can be found by searching by keyword, filtering by multilevel technical categories or filtering by author, organization, or type of resource. There are currently over 1,500 resources available with this number growing weekly. Members have access to numerous types of resource as part of their membership, including presentations from previous events, conference papers, webinar archives, and much more.